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Showing posts with label retiree health benefits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label retiree health benefits. Show all posts


Webinar | ‘USPS Retirement Health Benefits

"...Postal Service employees may participate in an upcoming webinar that will address benefits available after retirement. The session, “USPS Retirement Health Benefits: Medicare, Dental and Vision,” will be held Wednesday, Jan. 17, from noon to 1 p.m. Eastern. ..."   

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Postal Healthcare

The healthcare bill you don't know about at the Postal Service

"...A provision contained in the otherwise modest postal reform bill of December 2006 aims to pre-fund retiree health benefits with money that was overfunding the USPS's contribution to another government account. For the next 10 years, the Postal Service is required to direct more than $5 billion annually into pre-funding retiree health benefits. That's not enough to wipe clean the tab for taxpayers, but it is enough to make a prudent down payment...."


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