Nearly 900 postal service jobs on chopping block in New Orleans
"... "There is a contract provision that states that no one can be transferred more than 50 miles. That's a hurdle the postal service will have to find employment for employees within a 50-mile radius."..."
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APWU, USPS Sign New Contract
"...APWU President Cliff Guffey and Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe have signed the 2010-2015 Collective Bargaining Agreement. Their signatures formalize the new contract, which was ratified by APWU members on May 11. ..."
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Highlights of the New Collective Bargaining Agreement
"...The agreement limits excessing outside of an installation or craft to no more than 40 miles from the installation in most cases and to no more than 50 miles in any case. If management cannot place employees within 50 miles, the parties will jointly determine what steps may be taken. ..."
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