"... The compromise legislation also includes a provision that would make it easier for federal agencies, including the Postal Service, to rehire retirees (for a limited time) without forcing them to take a cut in their annuity checks. “This provision will help eliminate the USPS objections to APWU’s efforts to return postal retirees to employment,” Burrus said. “If the bill is passed, the union will renew our discussion with management on this issue.”..."
Source: www.apwu.org
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Legislation would allow more feds to cash out sick leave at retirement "... Rep. James Moran, D-Va., said Monday that he planned to introduce a bill that would provide employees under the Federal Employees Retirement System with a one-time payment of up to $10,000 for any remaining sick leave at retirement. The benefit also would apply to employees covered under the Foreign Service Pension System and U.S. Postal Service. Moran spoke at the Federal Managers Association's 70th annual national convention in Arlington, Va. "Our current use-it or lose-it system under FERS hurts productivity ..."
[Reference: www.govexec.com]
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