People Profile --Weidner put ‘stamp’ on his family, postal career
"...a gentleman who likely never carried an extra pound of body fat — courtesy of a 17-mile all-walking route almost daily for years; and a route that eventually grew nearly 10 miles starting a quarter century or so back with the coming of a jeepster-looking vehicle that ushered in a more mechanized U.S. Post Office — Weidner can boom out a laugh that would make jolly ol’ Santa Claus proud when he recalls $1.38 per hour was his initial wage when he began working as a part-time postal service employee more than 50 years ago..."
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Like Him or Not, Fetterman is Not Shading the Truth and is Tough Enough to
Say it
Dem Civil War: Fetterman Tells AOC Exactly What He Thinks of Her on Fight
Over CR—It's Not Pretty Snippet of Article: "...Fetterman just cut her to
the qui...
4 hours ago