...from various sources.


Virginia’s top elections official warns that mail delays could impact voting this year

"... “Election officials depend on the U.S. mail service to deliver ballots to voters and to return ballots to election officials,” Beals told members of the Virginia House of Delegates Privileges and Elections Committee at a meeting in Richmond. “What I am hoping to change is the expectation of voters, that if I put my ballot in the mail five days before election day that it is going to get there. You need to plan further out than that.”

Beals, who was appointed as Virginia’s commissioner of election by Gov. Glenn Youngkin in March 2022, responded to a question by Del. Phillip Scott, R-Fredericksburg, who had asked what she considered “the biggest threat” to the upcoming election. ...We’ve had long delivery times and we’ve had examples of ballots that were sitting in the processing centers for days.”"   

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