...from various sources.


NRECA Asks Postal Service to Reconsider Proposed Curbs on Rural Mail Service

"...NRECA is asking the U.S. Postal Service to reconsider its proposal to curb evening mail service in rural areas, saying the plan would have a “significant and deleterious impact on America’s electric cooperatives.” Under the plan, the USPS “is walking away from its universal service obligation to rural America ..."   

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Postal Inspectors Confirm Mail Theft at San Roque Post Office in Santa Barbara

"...The theft occurred on Aug. 15 when unknown suspects stole bags of mail at the San Roque Post Office at 3345 State St. There was another attempt later that day at the Patterson Avenue Post Office in Goleta, but the suspects were not successful. Investigators for the USPS said they could not comment fully on the matter ..."   

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USPS seeking carriers for rural Alabama

"...According to a news release, the positions of rural carrier associate and assistant rural carrier are available in 118 cities. Both positions start at $20.38 per hour. Career fairs will take place at the following locations: ..."   

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Virginia’s top elections official warns that mail delays could impact voting this year

"... “Election officials depend on the U.S. mail service to deliver ballots to voters and to return ballots to election officials,” Beals told members of the Virginia House of Delegates Privileges and Elections Committee at a meeting in Richmond. “What I am hoping to change is the expectation of voters, that if I put my ballot in the mail five days before election day that it is going to get there. You need to plan further out than that.”

Beals, who was appointed as Virginia’s commissioner of election by Gov. Glenn Youngkin in March 2022, responded to a question by Del. Phillip Scott, R-Fredericksburg, who had asked what she considered “the biggest threat” to the upcoming election. ...We’ve had long delivery times and we’ve had examples of ballots that were sitting in the processing centers for days.”"   

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TSP returns for August mostly down

"... jump in July, S fund returns saw another drastic change in August, dropping from 6.23% to 0.25%. Returns for the C fund doubled in August, going from 1.21% to 2.42%. The rest of the funds saw sub-one percent return changes in August, with G fund returns down 0.04% to 0.35%, F fund returns down 0.9% to 1.43% and I fund returns up 0.29% to 3.15%...."   

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South Dakota postal workers blindsided by operation changes

"...“It just seems like there’s no communication. The people who are going to be working the frontlines, dealing with this stuff, seeing these changes, they’re not even aware of what’s going on. Yeah, maybe we won’t have any jobs that are affected, but we’re still seeing the effect in the flow,” Jones said. ..."   

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Man accused of robbing postal worker at gunpoint in Florence County, South Carolina

"...Watch Video ..."   

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A Need to Move Mail Processing Out Of Charleston Morphs to $22.8 million upgrade

Charleston mail processing facility to remain open, receive $22.8 million upgrade

"... Brown said employees were shocked to hear the mail processing facility will stay. The Charleston location was one of many under consideration to be consolidated and moved to Pittsburgh starting next year. ..."   

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USPS brings back holiday surcharge in bid to boost package revenue

"...USPS expects these temporary price increases will help it bring in $77 million in additional package revenue in FY 2025. ..."   

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