"..."The burden of proof is on them. Tell us why. If it makes sense, it makes sense. If it doesn't, it doesn't. And right now it just doesn't," he said. Last year, Congressman Higgins fought to secure an extension from the Postmaster General ..." Source: www.wkbw.com
U.S. Postal workers voice concerns about delivering mail at night
"... Polly Gibbs, spokesperson for the United States Postal Service said: "Letter carriers have always delivered mail in the dark in standard time zones..." Source: www.firstcoastnews.com
"... a lot of marketers used First Class as a marketing medium because it results in higher response,” says Tom Foti, manager of direct mail ..." Source: www.dmnews.com
"... launching an investigation into the shift in mail delivery to evening hours, a change that’s alarmed letter carriers and customers...." Source: www.washingtonpost.com
Where you can get Harry Potter stamps — and where you can’t: A list, map, and complaint
"... The stamps are for sale at usps.com/stamps, at the Postal Store on eBay at ebay.com/stamps, and by calling 800-STAMP24. But if you want to buy the stamps at a post office, you have to go to one of the 3,100 Premier Post Offices. The Premier Post Office program, which was announced in May 2011..." Source: www.savethepostoffice.com
U.S. Postal Service worker fatally shot in Prince George’s County
"... well after sunset when the shooting occurred. Residents of the area said mail is not usually delivered there so late. “It was mighty late,” the neighbor said. ..." Source: www.washingtonpost.com
Postal Service posts $5 billion loss, but it's lower than prior year
Ship a package with the U.S. Postal Service
"... Package services have remained a promising business as more people shop online and need carriers to deliver the goods. Package volumes grew by 210 million pieces this year. ..." Source: www.nbcnews.com
First Harry Potter stamps, next owl post? USPS rolls out limited edition.
"... The financially challenged Postal Service is hoping to cash in on the love for J.K. Rowling's characters with a set of commemorative Harry Potter stamps, available Nov. 19...." Source: www.csmonitor.com
The next chapter in postal privatization: Post Offices inside of Staples
"...The Postal Service has rather quietly announced a pilot program to put post offices inside of Staples. It’s part of what the USPS is calling the Retail Partner Expansion Program, and the first Staples to host a post office will be located in San Francisco and San Jose. ..." Source: www.savethepostoffice.com
"... language from the bill that passed the Senate in the last session of Congress. That bill, which was never taken up in the House, hit USPS with fewer cuts to services. The new bill, for example, phases out to-the-door delivery. The proposal would allow the Postal Service to stop offering new employees access to the Federal Employees Retirement System or making contributions to their Thrift Savings Plan accounts...." Source: www.govexec.com
Seven arrested in Portland postal privatization protest
"...Seven people were arrested during a protest at a downtown Portland postal facility Tuesday after a security guard clashed with demonstrators. ..." Source: www.oregonlive.com
Postal Vision 2020 looks at the future of "postal services" and sees privatization
"...As indicated by his comments on this video, Mr. Callan is an advocate of aggressive cost-cutting at the Postal Service, "drastically" reducing the size of its workforce, and giving management control over the health plan. ..." Source: www.savethepostoffice.com
"... A couple days later, Tony met with the postmaster who had reported the sewage, Jeannie Ramirez. She said that her real reasons for instigating the closure of the post office was not sewage but because her employees were complaining of respiratory issues from the mold and refused to work in the trailer. In other words, she lied...." Source: www.savethepostoffice.com
Judge Smacks Down Rep. Issa's Special Request for Exemption from Shutdown
"...Issa, who is the wealthiest member of Congress, has used his chairmanship of the House Oversight Committee to pummel the administration for years over the U.S. Postal Service (he wants it privatized) ..." Source: www.allgov.com
"... To make sure he understood what Donahoe was saying, Sen. Tester asked, “So what you’re saying is there wouldn’t be any post office or mail processing centers closed while we’re debating this bill before it becomes law?”
“Nope, we’ve done what we needed to do for this year, and if any further changes require service standard changes we will not do that,” Donahoe said...." Source: www.apwu.org
"... it is far less than the double-digit increase that is authorized under the law to help the Postal Service to recover from the extraordinary and exceptional circumstances that have confronted us.” ..." Source: www.logisticsmgmt.com
"...A 59-year-old United States Postal Service driver was held at gunpoint Saturday afternoon and forced to hand over his delivery truck...." Source: www.13wham.com
"...among the delayed messages, 1.5 percent were stalled by more than two hours. Further, some users who tried to download large file attachments ran into errors. But Gmail itself was available for people to log in, read mail, and send messages. ..." Source: cnet.com
"...One brand name filed Sept. 6, "United States Postal Service Digital Services,” would consist of, among other things, “tamper-detection capabilities" for safeguarding electronic documents, audio and videos. ..." Source: www.nextgov.com
NARFE, federal employee unions object to Senate postal bill
"...objected to provisions in a Senate bill pertaining to the federal workers’ compensation program and the U.S. Postal Service’s hopes of revamping its participation in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. ..." Source: federaltimes.com
NAPS engages USPS in dialogue regarding processing plant re-ranking
"... A VERA will be offered to all PCES and Field EAS with the exception of Headquarters employees. The VERA offer also includes all Area, District EAS employees and Postmasters. The notification period will includes written notification from the United State Postal Service beginning on September 16, 2013, and running through September 20, 2013, to all eligible VERA candidates...." Source: www.naps.org
Postal Service IG Puts Retirement and Leave Benefits Under the Microscope
"... The reports will “reveal the ways in which the Postal Service could benefit from adopting the identified best practices” for its retirement and leave benefits programs, the inspector general said in the solicitations...." Source: www.govexec.com
"... The U.S. Postal Service's earlier first-class mail pickup time went unnoticed for some, but those who say they were charged late fees on bill payments and had utilities shut off because of a late notice may have a different opinion. ..." Source: www.semissourian.com
Is there a pattern here? Three more post offices closing over "lease disputes"
"... Just as typically, the landlord reveals that the Postal Service really wasn’t interested in renewing the lease to begin with. This happens all the time. Over the past few days, three more cases have been reported in the media — in New Canaan, Connecticut; Aripeka, Florida, and Chattanooga, Tennessee. The stories are strikingly similar...." Source: www.savethepostoffice.com
"...UPS...expects the move, which applies to non-union U.S. workers only, to save about $60 million a year, said company spokesman Andy McGowan. ..." Source: www.kaiserhealthnews.org
"...Apple's Cards, Red Stamp, Postagram, Postcard on the Run, and my favorite, Postography, are some of the more popular apps in this space. ..." Source: android-apps-iphone-apps.blogspot.com
USPS Plan to Pull Out of Fed Health Benefits Could Cost Postal Workers
"...A recent bipartisan Senate proposal to overhaul the Postal Service included a provision to allow the agency to create an independent health care benefits system for its employees. It generally accepted the Postal Service’s proposals and included the plan to shift retirees’ benefits primarily to Medicare. The Senate bill is awaiting committee markup when Congress returns from recess in September. ..." Source: www.govexec.com
"... A U.S. postal inspector has started investigating a job scheme that appears to have used recruits to target post offices in the Grand Rapids area...." Source: www.woodtv.com
Senators Introduce Postal Reform Bill With Bipartisan Support
"...The reform act would allow the Postal Service to not offer new employees access to the Federal Employees Retirement System or contribute to their Thrift Savings Plan account. It would also give USPS authority to, in consultation with postal unions, create an independent health care benefits system ..." Source: www.govexec.com
"... Why would the USPS take such radical measures? The simple truth is that the postal service is a fundamentally sound business, though not without its challenges. If you look closely, you'll see a concerted campaign to drive USPS out of business, despite the fact that it operates without government subsidies and, potentially, at a profit. It's being subjected to a politically manufactured crisis in order to ram through drastic change. But without the USPS, citizens will face much higher costs without better service...." Source: www.fool.com
"... Bluebonnet Publishing’s Circulation Manager Ann Reeves confirmed more than 70 email-documented instances of delivery issues from customers...." Source: www.kilgorenewsherald.com
Issa releases long-awaited postal reform legislation
"... In addition to a free hardship exemption, authorizes the Postal Service to create a program whereby mail reci
pients whose delivery would otherwise be converted to curbside or clusterbox could maintain door delivery for
a small annual fee...." Source: www.federalnewsradio.com
"... While these surcharges add to the shipping costs for customers who use FedEx services, customers of USPS continue to enjoy surcharge-free deliveries...." Source: yourpostalblog.wordpress.com
Police ID suspect accused of shooting motorist during series of carjackings in west Denver on Monday
"... The gunman then carjacked a U.S. Postal Service truck at West 24th Avenue and Julian Street, a police officer at that scene told 7NEWS. The postal worker was not harmed, police said...." Source: www.thedenverchannel.com
Don't Expect The U.S. Post Office To Copy Britain's Royal Mail IPO
"... For perspective, the Post Office is more than 100% funded in its pension accounts, while the average large-cap company is funded at 80%–and just a fraction are 100% funded...." Source: www.forbes.com
Audit: Postal Service overtime costs topped $3.5 billion last year
"...USPS officials agreed to pursue staffing plans and other steps to reduce reliance on overtime, but said that the inspector general “completely fails to understand an organization in transition.” The Postal Service is in the midst of consolidating more than 270 processing plants ..." Source: www.federaltimes.com
"The federal health care enrollment period is months away, but you can start preparing now. ..." Click Here To Read More Sourc...
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[image: Smithsonian National Postal Museum]
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