...from various sources.


Readers Digest | What Could Happen if the U.S. Postal Service Stopped Delivering Mail

"...the United States Postal Service (USPS) is chronically in debt and in danger of being disbanded entirely. This issue has been an even bigger concern as of late as citizens are worried that the reductions in USPS machines and other equipment could slow down the speed and accuracy of mail-in voting for the general 2020 election coming up in November. Having the option of mail-in ballots is pressing this year as many won’t be able to physically go to polling places due to COVID-19. Although the USPS just announced that there will no longer be any reductions until after the November election, many are concerned that the damage is already done. And those are just some of the newest developments in terms of what’s going on with the USPS. While it’s hard to imagine what an America without the USPS would look like, here are some possibilities. ..."   

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